ClassJuggler Customers: Time to Get PCI Compliant!

We have received communications from CardConnect, alerting us that several of our customers are presently not PCI compliant. If you are not in compliance, you likely received an email from CardConnect (usually every two weeks if you’re out of compliance) about this noncompliance status with the following message:

Your annual PCI compliance status requires attention!

It is important that you fix this compliance issue ASAP. We explain why here.

What email??

We suspect that those of you who did not respond or take action to the CardConnect email, urging you to change your PCI compliance status, may have not done so for one of these reasons:

    • You are not aware of the implications/risks of being noncompliant, and therefore have not chosen to take action.
    • You chose to not respond to the email (or may even have moved it to your junk folder) because you did not know who CardConnect is and aren’t familiar with CardPointe product logo that they used in the email:
    • Your email program may have wrongly identified the email from CardConnect as junk mail, and so you would not have seen the message at all unless you regularly check your junk mail folder.

If you think it’s possible that it could have ended up in your junk mail folder, do a search in your email program’s junk folder for, which is the name of the sender.

But who is CardConnect anyway?

CardConnect is a provider of payment processing and technology services. It is one of the companies we use to handle credit and debit card payment processing when you sign up for and use ClassJuggler merchant processing services.


In other words, even if you don’t know it, you are a CardConnect customer if you use our merchant processing services.

Why do I need to pay attention to the email?

We get it: As a class-based business owner, you no doubt get 200 emails a day, and likely feel overwhelmed because you are busy teaching 80 students at your business every day! In fact, our experience tells us that most merchants have no idea what PCI compliance is or why they need to be compliant.  Nonetheless, PCI compliance is critical. Here’s why:

As a CardConnect merchant, you are required to complete an annual Payment Card Industry self-assessment to ensure your business is following the guidelines that all merchants who accept credit and debit payments must comply with.  This is a once-a-year assessment. Failure to maintain PCI compliance can result in a monthly penalty fee or suspension of your merchant account.

How do I fix my noncompliance status?

If you are reluctant to click on a link within an email of a company that you are not thoroughly familiar with, we understand. Good news is, there is another way to check your PCI compliance status and to take the steps necessary to become compliant if you are not.

    1. Log into your CardPointe® merchant portal, or go to to register directly on the Trustwave site and begin your business’ Self-Assessment Questionnaire and/or PCI scans.
    2. On your dashboard page (the page you land on after login) you should be able to see on that screen whether or not you are currently compliant.
    3. If you are compliant, go take a coffee break — you are set!
    4. If your status shows as COMPLIANCE STATUS: INCOMPLETE, then click on the BEGIN button on the dashboard page to complete your PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire online.  Use ClassJuggler’s nifty step-by-step guide found on your ClassJuggler HOME BASE screen to help you answer the self-assessment questions.

You have the 3-month grace period once “boarded” to get your compliance in order, and CardConnect can assist you through their Merchant Support number: 877-828-0720.

Alternatively, you can email for support.  Their associates can also assist with Trustwave registration and user settings, password resets, linking of multiple locations for the same merchant, and uploading compliance certificates.

Who is ClassJuggler?

If you are not currently a ClassJuggler customer, and you own or operate a class-based business, juggling balls biggerhere is how you can find out more about ClassJuggler’s online software solutions dedicated to class-based businesses:

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